
Keep up with the latest news from Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC)
and the data science communities.
January 12, 2024

A team of researchers affiliated with the CRDC Imaging Data Commons (IDC) has demonstrated the value of AI in generating annotations for imaging data sets that are now better situated to serve as reference data sets for users across the cancer research community.Enrichment of lung cancer computed tomography collections with AI-derived annotations, Krishnaswamy et al., was published in early January 2024, in Nature’s open access journal Scientific Data. The research team thoroughly demonstrates....

January 9, 2024

As the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) enters its 10th year, CRDC leaders will provide an overview of work accomplished so far, CRDC’s impact on open science, and a look ahead to initiatives that ensure its foundational role in the cancer data ecosystem.The session will kick off with the history of CRDC including a review of key datasets housed in the CRDC and the core standards and services that ensure data are FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.  Sev....

January 9, 2024

Across the cancer research community, we all recognize the complexities of working with data that are vast, diverse, and continuously evolving. Contemporary research requires data at massive scale along with consistency in quality and interoperability standards to support sophisticated inquiries that result in improved diagnostics, disease management, and treatment for patients and populations.Tanja Davidsen, Chief, Data Ecosystems Branch, NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Te....

December 19, 2023

Discover new data collections available for you to use in your cancer research!

December 6, 2023

The Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) awarded administrative supplements to eight NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, enabling research that leverages the CCDI Data Ecosystem to address scientific questions and create analytical tools for advancing childhood cancer research.