and the data science communities.
NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) is seeking input through a short online survey about the pediatric cancer research community’s interest in molecular characterization data needed to optimally treat patients, as well as its existing cohort and/or sample availability for new data....
At its September 2023 annual meeting, GA4GH announced 10 new driver projects, for a total of 28. The Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) is one of the current driver projects. Newer driver projects include the NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability (NCPI) Effort and the Biomedical Research Hub (BRH) at....
Event: December 4 – 8, 2023 The NCI will be holding a virtual Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Data Jamboree focused on using HTAN atlas datasets within the HTAN Data Portal and through the Seven Bridges-Cancer Genomics Cloud, part of the CRDC. The cancer research c....
The first annual NCI Office of Data Sharing Symposium will be held October 16 – 17, in person and virtually. This is open to the public and emphasizes making data accessible to the broad research community. Topics include: NCI programs that share multiple types of cancer research and care da....
The recently released Portable Format for Bioinformatics (PFB) from the Broad Institute's FireCloud is a new way to transfer data from the Proteomic Data Commons (PDC) to the FireCloud platform. With PFB, users can easily identify the data they need within the PDC by applying metadata filters, and t....