CRDC Insights

Updates from the Cancer Research Data Commons:
Empowering the Scientific Community to Make New Discoveries

AACR Annual Meeting 2024: NCI-CRDC Session

January 09, 2024
AACR annual mtg 500

As the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) enters its 10th year, CRDC leaders will provide an overview of work accomplished so far, CRDC’s impact on open science, and a look ahead to initiatives that ensure its foundational role in the cancer data ecosystem.

The session will kick off with the history of CRDC including a review of key datasets housed in the CRDC and the core standards and services that ensure data are FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.  

Several case studies will showcase the evolution of the CRDC’s role in promoting open science. These range from facilitating secure data storage and use to offering elastic cloud compute and analytical tools for complex investigations that are driving new discoveries and informing patient care. 

The session will conclude with highlights from recent initiatives, including an AI Readiness initiative and a Sustainability Study, as well as a discussion about future plans to further promote data sharing and interoperability across NIH cloud-based platforms.

The AACR Annual Meeting will be held in San Diego, California, from April 5 - 10, 2024. Registration is open to the public and more information can be found on the AACR Annual Meeting page. 

Additional session details will be made available from the AACR Annual Meeting Program page.

Once session details are available, the CRDC will send out links to the AACR agenda and session listing with date, time, and location through all CRDC and CBIIT channels.