CRDC Insights

Updates from the Cancer Research Data Commons:
Empowering the Scientific Community to Make New Discoveries

Webinar: GDC’s Cohort-centric Genomic Analysis – April 22

December 24, 2024

The Genomic Data Commons (GDC) is hosting a webinar to showcase its newly introduced genomic mutation analysis now featured on its updated platform, GDC 2.0. This enhanced platform empowers users to create customized case collections for performing gene- and variant-level data analysis within their web browsers.

Included Topics

  • Creating custom cohorts with the GDC Cohort Builder for specific cancer disease types
  • Employing the Mutation Frequency Tool to visualize the most frequently mutated genes within a cohort
  • Applying the GDC’s OncoMatrix to analyze the top mutated genes affected by high-impact mutations in a cohort
  • Using ProteinPaint to explore mutations and their potential impact within protein coding regions of genes

When: April 22, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, EDT

Register here.

Find more information about this webinar.