CRDC Insights

Updates from the Cancer Research Data Commons:
Empowering the Scientific Community to Make New Discoveries

NIH Data Management and Sharing: CRDC's Role

March 03, 2023
computer screen with various data types 300h by 300w

The new policy is in effect, and applies to new grant applications, competitive renewals, or competitive revisions. In brief: 

  • Data sharing now pertains to all researchers with no budget minimum.
  • Applications, renewals, or revisions must include a data management and sharing plan.
  • Data must be shared at time of publication or by the end of the performance period, whichever is sooner.

The Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) is home to a collection of data commons and cloud resources that host datasets from NCI-funded research and make those datasets accessible to the research community. Learn more about submitting and accessing data and using CRDC tools for your research.