CRDC Insights

Updates from the Cancer Research Data Commons:
Empowering the Scientific Community to Make New Discoveries

NCI Office of Data Sharing Symposium: October 16 – 17, in Person and Virtual

September 27, 2023

The first annual NCI Office of Data Sharing Symposium will be held October 16 – 17, in person and virtually. This is open to the public and emphasizes making data accessible to the broad research community. Topics include:

  • NCI programs that share multiple types of cancer research and care data
  • data sharing topics that affect the cancer community
  • tools for writing and assessing Data Management and Sharing plans
  • accessing and utilizing data
  • metrics and methodologies for evaluating the impact of data sharing
  • resources, obstacles, and incentives for sharing cancer research and care data

As part of the conversation about sharing, accessing, and utilizing data, CRDC leadership will provide an overview of CRDC resources, including short demonstrations of cloud-based analytical tools. 

Registration for the ODS Symposium is still open.