CRDC Insights

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The Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC) Makes Data Exploration Easier

April 15, 2024
Dog on examining table and a medical professional examining him with a stethoscope

New features recently added to the Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC) portal make it easier for users to find and analyze data. The ICDC was established to advance research on human cancers by enabling comparative analysis with canine cancers, given similarities in types of cancer and response to therapeutics between canines and humans. It now houses data from 12 scientific studies, with nearly 1,000 samples from more than 20 disease sites.

The newly-added features make it easier for users to:

  • Export files for analysis directly from the ICDC portal to the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud (SB-CGC), powered by Velsera.

  • From the ICDC portal, users can load files into the My Files cart. Within the My Files cart, users can then explore Available Export Options, and select Cancer Genomics Cloud.

Find a tutorial here.

  • Search for any term across the entire ICDC portal.
  • Find a specific Case ID or a list of Case IDs.
    • Users can locate a specific case they want to explore, and add associated files to the My Files cart for further review or analysis. 
  • Use the new Dynamic Query Bar to show each selection across the top of the Explore Dashboard screen. 
    • This feature makes it easier to track and change selections as a user is exploring or building a virtual cohort.

Official release notes can be found in GitHub.