CRDC at the 2023 AACR Annual Meeting

The AACR annual meeting is being held April 14-19, virtually and in person at the Orlando Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.
Several sessions feature CRDC colleagues whose presentations focus on using CRDC resources.
Saturday, April 15, 2023, 10:00–11:30 a.m. EDT
HTAN Data in the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (Presentation)
This methods workshop will demonstrate how to access, query, download and/or use within the cloud, process, and visualize HTAN data derived from a variety of assay types, including single cell RNA-sequencing and multiplexed spatial proteomics. This will be demonstrated using the HTAN Data Portal and NCI Cloud Resources, which make it possible to work within a cloud environment, without the need to download vast datasets. CME credits are available.
Presenters include: Erika Kim, Ph.D.
For more on the series on using HTAN data:!/10828/session/122
Saturday, April 15, 2023, 12:30–2:00 p.m. EDT
#DataMatter: Leveraging NCI Datasets for Cancer Discovery and Impact (Presentation)
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan will discuss using NCI data sets to advance cancer research, including examples of how these data have helped researchers and clinicians move from histopathological diagnosis to molecular based diagnosis of cancer. You’ll also learn about new discoveries that have led to changes in diagnosis and treatment and enabled a more detailed, critical understanding of disease burden at the population level.
Presenter: Jill S. Barnholtz-Sloan, Ph.D.
For more on the series of presentations on Big Data in Population Science:!/10828/session/156
Tuesday April 18, 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT
OmicCircos in the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC): A Visualization Tool for Bench Biologists (NCI Special Session)
Dr. Erika Kim will moderate presentations on the CRDC and visualization tools used within the the Seven Bridges (Velsera) Cancer Genomics Cloud. The session will include an introduction and demonstration of OmicCircos, an R software package used to generate high-quality circular plots for visualizing genomic variations, including mutation patterns, copy number variations (CNVs), expression patterns, and methylation patterns.
Presenters: Erika Kim, Ph.D., Chunhua Yan, Ph.D. and Zelia Worman, Seven Bridges (Velsera)
For more on this session:!/10828/sessions/omiccircos/1
Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT, section 31
A Path to Sustainability for the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Research Data Commons (Poster)
Efficient collection, curation, and sharing of data produced by the biomedical research community is important for the discovery of new patterns for diagnosis, treatment, and care of disease. Ensuring the sustainability of the CRDC, which provides cloud-based, secure storage and analytic tools for cancer data, is important for these goals.
Presenter: Juergen A. Klenk, Ph.D.
For more on this poster session, link here:!/10828/presentation/7501
For more information about the AACR Annual Meeting:
For more detail about all sessions, use the AACR annual meeting itinerary planner:!/10828