CRDC Insights

Updates from the Cancer Research Data Commons:
Empowering the Scientific Community to Make New Discoveries

The Cancer Data Service Portal Goes Live

June 28, 2023
7.9.2023 CDS portal screenshot

The new Cancer Data Service (CDS) portal is live.

The CDS is a data commons within the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) infrastructure that adds important capacity and flexibility to the NCI data ecosystem. 

CDS provides secure data storage and sharing capabilities for NCI-funded studies that fall under the following categories:

  • Studies with data that do not match an existing CRDC data commons 
  • Studies with data that do not fit current data type criteria and/or the minimum metadata standards for a CRDC data commons 

The CDS currently hosts a variety of open and controlled access data types from NCI projects and programs such as the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), and Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI), as well as data from independent research projects.

It is accessible for users to search and browse data with no required login.